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“Through More Than Music Mentor, Grant Norsworthy offers an incredibly valuable resource to the Christian Church. He has a unique ability to elevate the effectiveness of a church’s team of singers, instrumentalists and technicians – no matter what level they’re at now.”

Mark Patterson Grant Norsworthy testimonial

“Do yourself a favor and get to know Grant Norsworthy. He is certainly much more than a music mentor.”

Tim Ottley Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant can teach you in a single workshop what it would take experience years to share. It’s the unique gift that God has given him and he is using it to grow the Church of Jesus all around the world.”

Tim Ottley Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“The More Than Music Workshop that Grant taught a few years ago is still paying dividends in my music, worship, and leadership.  Thanks for allowing God to use your gifts in such a tremendous way!”

Eric Falker Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“The difference before and after Grant’s coaching is ‘chalk and cheese’. Our music team has been given real insight into the higher standard that is possible as we work to create a sound that encourages worship in our church.”

“We were left with a greater vision for our worship ministry, as well as some very concrete practical steps we were ready to take in the following months.”

Elisabeth Cammell Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Our team was so inspired by what we were able to accomplish together in the time we had with Grant.”

Elisabeth Cammell Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant taught our team to leave a gap in our sound that invites the ‘voice’ of the congregation, and boy, do they fill it!”

Morgan Moore Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant has a real talent for teaching and communicating in an incredibly precise and encouraging way. Since the workshop, our team are far more cohesive, better at listening to each other and we’re making a cleaner, more inviting sound.”

Morgan Moore Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Since the workshop, positive feedback has been flooding in about the music and how much more engaged people feel.”

Morgan Moore Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Because of Grant’s More Than Music Mentor coaching, our entire team has started a new journey of excellence which has given us more time and focus on discipleship within the team and leadership before the church.”

Brent Small Testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“Grant is a true pleasure to listen to, learn from, and work with!”

Amy Lund
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