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“We’ve noticed huge changes in unity and direction since having some of Grant’s More Than Music Mentor training. The small tweaks he made to the way we were doing things has made a distinct difference in the way the congregation is responding to sung worship.”

Andy Dickson Testimonial

“Our time with More Than Music Mentor was inspirational. No matter what age or experience level, our band members all benefited from Grant’s entertaining and engaging presentation. We were all greatly encouraged!”

Liz Yeoh testimonial Grant Norsworthy

“I was deeply impressed with how our More Than Music Mentor sessions taught both musicianship and teamwork. Our musicians were encouraged to listen to one another and to work towards a common goal.”

Rev. Andrew Butcher testimonial

“Grant from More Than Music Mentor did such a great job! I was stoked with the workshop’s outcome and it was so well received by the whole team. It was practical and inspiring for everyone. As a result, there’s been a positive shift and we look forward to ongoing growth as a result of what Grant taught.”

Greg Downing

“Grant is an effective communicator who is able to work with teams of varying ability to get the best from them and grow their musicality. I would highly recommend Grant to any church seeking to enhance their sung worship experience.” 

Brent Richardson

“In ways that were both practical and God-honouring, Grant helped us to think much more about what we are trying to achieve as a team. He gently but firmly encouraged us to make effective changes and left us full of enthusiasm and eager for more.”

“Grant really inspired our people to reflect on how and why we worship through music. We will be reaping the benefits of this workshop for a long time to come.”

Richard Morley-John

Grant’s workshop was inspiring, encouraging and incredibly practical. I’ve been playing on worship teams for 35+ years and this was by far the best and most helpful teaching/learning session I’ve experienced!”

Pauline Lovelock

“Grant’s an excellent communicator. I found his advice very helpful and have noticed improvements during our worship leading since applying his recommendations.”

Josiah Astwood

“’Theologically sound, highly practical, seriously fun, interactive instruction’. Our team found that claim from the More Than Music Mentor website to be genuine and 100% true! We have been deeply inspired!”

James Lovelock

“Grant and his family are keenly and actively involved with the life of our church here at St Paul’s. As Grant’s pastor, I can confirm that he teaches a very God-centred approach to what worship is and a has a sincere desire to help church musicians understand, embrace and fulfil their important role.”

Testimonial Andy Marr

“If you want to grow your musicians and singers, Grant can really help. He does not dictate, but instead works to come along side and partner with people in the local church. I appreciated his content, his approach, his authenticity, and his humility.”

David Tweed Testimonial Grant Norsworthy
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